About J. Kent Holloway
Bestselling Christian author Kent Holloway isn't just a storyteller. He isn't just a forensic death investigator. He's also a Bible Teacher, preacher, speaker, and best of all...Santa Claus!
For the last 30 years, Kent Holloway has lived on death. Literally. As a forensic death investigator. he's seen it all. Experienced the worst that life has to give. Yet he never let it dim his sense of wonder or humor or, most importantly, his Faith in Jesus Christ!
Now, he brings all this experience, along with a zeal for living an abundant life to the written page with fun, adventurous mysteries, middle grade fantasy, and an upcoming library of exciting and inspirational nonfiction similar to his book 'I Died Swallowing a Goldfish and Other Life Lessons from the Morgue'!
Kent Holloway also has a Master’s degree in Theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (yes, he's very Southern Baptist). He has served as singles minister, evangelism pastor, and director of discipleship and education. He is now focusing on three very important ministries to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ:
1) Writing (yes, writing can be a ministry. Even writing fiction!)
2) Speaking engagements and pulpit Supply
3) Christmas Star Ministries
If You've been a fan of Kent Holloway's books in the past and are a bit nervous about all these changes you're seeing on this website, have no fear. I'll still continue writing the same fun, clean message-free mysteries you love...plus a few additions to my genre list to boot. But rest assured that my #1 pet peeve among the modern books published today is the authors' attempts at slipping in social commentary and messages into their stories. I won't compromise a great story to try to fit some type of lesson or parable into it because it's simply anathema to me.
Where you'll see the biggest change is in the addition to my nonfiction, which will be clearly marked as Christian and inspirational! In addition, I'll be opening this site up for people to book me for speaking engagements (whether Christian or otherwise) and to focus a considerable effort to getting my new Christmas Star Ministries off the ground! You'll learn more about that as time goes on, but I'm super excited about it. The main focus of Christmas Star is to point people toward Jesus and to teach fellow believers that, as Christians, it should be Christmas every day of the year and we should live like it!