Christmas Star
Christmas Star Ministries...pointing the wise to Christ!
In 2019, I put on my first Santa Suit for my very first appearance as Santa Claus. In 2024, I saw my largest number of kids (and kids at heart) yet with over 500 individual encounters. During this time, God spoke to me in that still, small voice of His. What I realized was that the joy and charity we feel at Christmas, should be the DEFAULT state of any Christian with the Holy Spirt (the true Christmas Spirit') dwelling within them.
The same excitement. The same desire to make others smile. The same sense of wonder we all tend to get at Christmas. Friends, there's another name for that. It's called Living an Abundant life. The same life Christ promised to us. Christmas Star Ministries strives to engage, proclaim, disciple, and grow people into a more fulfilling relationship with Jesus Christ. It's our desire that every believer in Christ learns to experience Christmas in their hearts 24/7. And that's precisely what this ministry will be about.
More details coming soon!
Christmas Star Ministries
Some visual examples of what a Christmas Heart looks like!